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The MPC Users' Group (MUG) invites community feedback on any issues, concerns, or questions about the MPC.


Please provide feedback on the SBN website.

PDS Support

PDS-SBN support for NASA ROSES 2019

Some general comments...

For any questions regarding the Small Bodies Node, PLEASE contact: !

ROSES Data Managment Plan Tips
Almost all proposals to ROSES are required to have a data management plan (DMP) or an explanation of why one is not necessary. Some tips have been put together to assist you.
To better understand constituents and structure of the PDS archives and data formats, please consult PDS 4 Documentation. Notice that PDS has moved to a new system of PDS standards called PDS4.


ROSES Programs

Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (C.4)

The Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART) solicits proposals to generate higher-order data products, archive and restore data sets or products, create or consolidate reference databases, generate new reference information, digitize data, and develop or validate software tools.

Data Analysis Programs (DAP)

Proposers please note: If you are planning to use PDS data for your ROSES data analysis proposal (e.g., Discovery Data Analysis Program, Cassini Data Analysis, Lunar Data Analysis, etc), check the archive status indicated on the top of each dataset webpage. A status of "archived" or "locally archived" indicates the data are in their final form, while "certified" indicates there are minor editing corrections still to be made. Data sets with other status levels may be either in active development, or considered to have some significant deficiency. Proposers are urged to consult the ROSES solicitation and the appendix for the Program Element to which they are proposing for the specific guidelines on the use of spacecraft data in general and data sets with known issues in particular.

New Frontiers Data Analysis Program (C.7)

New Horizons
Mission Overview: New Horizons
Available Data: New Horizons Data at SBN

Lunar Data Analysis (C.8),
Development and Advancement of Lunar Instrumentation Program (C.20), and
Lunar Technology Program (C.21)

Mission Overview: LADEE
Available Data: LADEE Data at SBN
Mission Overview: EPOXI Mission
Available Data: EPOXI Data at SBN

Mars Data Analysis (C.9)

Mission Overview: EPOXI Mission
Available Data: EPOXI Data at SBN
Mission Overview: Dawn Mission
Available Data: Dawn Data at SBN
Mission Overview: Rosetta Mission
Available Data: Rosetta Data at SBN

Cassini Data Analysis (C.10)

Mission Overview: Cassini
Available Data: Cassini dust data at SBN
The website to support Cassini DAP can be found at the Ring-Moon Systems Node.
See also Cassini and Huygens data at Atmospheres Node.

Discovery Data Analysis (C.11)

Mission Overview: Dawn Mission
Available Data: Dawn Data at SBN
Mission Overview: Rosetta Mission
Available Data: Rosetta Data at SBN

Planetary Science and Technology Through Analog Research (C.14)

Lab data at PSI and UMD

Planetary Protection Research (C.15)

NEO data at PSI, MPC

Exoplanet Research Program (E.3)

Mission Overview: EPOXI
Available Data: EPOXI data at SBN (Exoplanet transits and Earth data)

SBN data can be also used for the following ROSES programs:

Mission Data at SBN: