PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2011-11-03" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM INSTRUMENT_NAME = "VISIBLE AND INFRARED THERMAL IMAGING SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_ID = "VIRTIS" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2017-07-19 NOTE = "Errata for documentation on the Rosetta VIRTIS ESC2-MTP017 cal archive dataset" END_OBJECT = TEXT END This file contains errata and other information or comments regarding the contents of this archive volume ERRATA In the .QUB files the values REVERSIBLE and WAVELET in INST_CMPRS_DESC are an algorithm name. Note that VIRTIS-H calibration is still a preliminary, unchecked calibration, with known inconsistencies. Note that GEOMETRY directories will be delivered only with calibrated data. Note that the information about QUBE_NAME is in PRODUCT_ID. Note that OBSERVATION_TYPE identifies the general type. At the moment the value is set to NULL. VIRTIS Team will use it in the future. Note that when SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR, SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR and SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR are not computed they are set to -999.999 See section of the EAICD for a complete description. Note that SCAN_PARAMETER, SCAN_PARAMETER_DESC and SCAN_PARAMETER_UNIT values can be both positive and negative as the reference point is the -M boresight. See section of the EAICD for a complete description. Note that in internal calibration acquisitions the values of EXPOSURE_DURATION, EXTERNAL_REPETITION_TIME (-M) and INTERNAL_REPETITION_TIME(-H), in FRAME_PARAMETER which are not settable in this case,are replaced by the code -1. See section of the EAICD for a complete description. Note that when PHASE_ANGLE, RIGHT_ASCENSION, DECLINATION, MAXIMUM_LATITUDE, MINIMUM_LATITUDE, SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE, and SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE, EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE, SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE, SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE, and WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE are not computed they are set to -999.999 DATA_QUALITY_ID, INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID, PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID and ROSETTA:SCAN_MODE_ID are without quotes because the quotes will cause problems for the software to read the data. The solution has been accepted by PSA. In all DATA labels, the value of the keyword CORE_ITEM_TYPE is set to "REAL" instead of the PDS valid value IEE_REAL. In some data sets, the CORE_ITEMS may overpass the maximum allowed of 5000.