Listed below are the liens/RIDs that were found at the PDS/PSA February 2016 review of the Prelanding thru Escort 1 phases of the Rosetta mission. Even though this particular data set may have not participated in the review, it uses the same pipeline and so the liens likely apply here as well. Please take note that some issues may be resolved, while others are not. If any other issues are discovered please let the PDS-SBN know. It is expected that a fully lien resolved version will be produced during post mission ops and archived with an incremented data set version number. 1)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-001-AW Dataset: All provided Location: Everywhere Title: General Usability Assessment Description: "For context, I understand plasma instrumentation and how to deal with complex datasets (I've been working with Cluster PEACE for the past decade), but I'm a newcomer when it comes to PDS, so I can only assume that many of the below difficulties are not under the control of the RPC-IES team but rather are structural issues and limitations of the PDS format. Overall these datasets are very difficult to use. From having read the ICD, installed and familiarised myself with readpds (IDL) and used it read in the file I wanted to plot, it took me over 4 hours to write code that would take the readpds output for an abritrary RPCIES data file and correctly process it such that I could plot a simple omnidirectional spectrogram. By means of comparison, from the same starting point (i.e. an idea about the content of the file but not having used one before; archive-provided reading libraries installed), to produce an equivalent plot from Wind 3DP data (a similar instrument) downloaded from CDAWeb took me at most 20 minutes. To use these data to do the simplest possible analysis, I had to open, read and process five different files, and even then I had no idea about the pointing of the instrument. In comparison, everything I needed to plot the Wind data was in a single file, of a format that properly supported multidimensional data. I understand that the L2 data are not directly equivalent to the data in CDAWeb, but the same applies to the L3 data samples here since their data structure is not significantly different (in fact under certain circumtances these would be more difficult to use than the L2). All that said, the scientific quality of the L3 data samples and L2 data (some instrument effects notwithstanding) looks good, and the analysis approach the IES team have chosen to take in defining and producing the L3 data is sensible. I was eventually able to produce something that looked like an uncalibrated version of Figure 2 from Coates et al (2015; J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 642 012005) from the L2 data after making some assumptions about how the data acquisition cycle on board mapped to the data files. I reiterate that, in general, this is not under the control of the RPC-IES team, but rather the space agencies and mission SWTs: As a newcomer, the impression I get trying to use these data is that the design of the system as a whole allows instrument teams to do only the minimum required to fulfil their obligation to make their data public, which at the same time unfortunately provides high enough a barrier to entry so as to discourage external scientists from actually using them in any meaningful way." Proposed solution by reviewer: The RPC-IES team can't do much about the broader structural issues, but in responding positively (in particular) to RIDS 002-AW to 004-AW and 010-AW below, they would go a long way to making their own datasets closer to the usability of equivalent solar system plasma physics data in other archives. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: See the next RIDs. 2)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-002-AW Dataset:All provided Location: Data Product Title: Data Dimensionality Description: PDS3 seems to be a data format that doesn't really support multidimensional datasets. These are obviously multidimensional data, so In order to make the data usable I had to write an algorithm to calculate the expected dimensions of the 4D data array based on the content (not the structure) of the data file. This isn't ideal. Is PDS4 better at this than PDS3? Assuming the data format can't be changed to something more appropriate, including the expected dimensions of a complete distribution (and how these dimensions map to the 2D data table in the files) in a machine readable form somewhere in the metadata would be a big help. Proposed solution by reviewer: To be discussed off line if changes are going to be made. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: The team expresses his reasons. 3)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-003-AW Dataset: All provided Location: Data Product / Metadata Title: Separate energy / angle tables Description: Storing vital metadata (energy table, azimuth and elevation angles) in lookup tables in separate files then including indices of those lookup tables in the main data file is a needless complication, especially when these don't vary within a single dataset. Including energy step values and elevation step values directly in the data files, rather than in a separate file would make users' lives much easier. Proposed solution by reviewer: The reviewer says is not a big deal Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: The team expresses his reasons. The values are not final so it is more maintenable in separate files. 4)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-004-AW Dataset: All provided Location: Data Product and 10991-IES-EAICD-01 Title: Pointing Information Missing Description: The ICD is somewhat contradictory on this point, in section 3.2.3 it states that pointings in HGRTN are available, and in section of the ICD it states that spice kernels will be available in a geometry directory. Neither of these are true which severely limits the usability of the data. "Include HGRTN look directions (or flow directions) for each az/el combination as a function of time, ideally in HGRTN, as stated in section 3.2.3 of the ICD, or at the very least the rotation matrix to spacecraft coordinates. It is unreasonable to expect users to dig into a second data source in a completely different format (the spice kernels) for something so fundamental, especially for the plasma data where fine details of thermoelastic effects and so on aren't as important and instrument alignment on the spacecraft is fixed and stable compared to the angular resolution of the instruments." Proposed solution by reviewer: SPICE is a standard in planetary science but the RID is justified. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: It is problematic to add that mainly due to the size that would become the files. The team can add more information to make it more intuitive. 5)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-004-AW Dataset: All Location: Throughout Title: Azimuth and Elevation Used inconsistently Description: The data files (and azimuth calibration files) seem to imply that the different anodes of the instrument are represented by the azimuth angle, and the different deflector voltage settings control the elevation angle. The text describing the time field in the .LBL files implies the reverse, as does section 2.1 of the ICD included with RO-C_RPCIES-ESC1_V1.0. This isn't helped by the fact that the instrument coordinate system, and its relationship to spacecraft coordinates, is not properly documented anywhere that I could find in the data pack. Proposed solution by reviewer: Pass through the documentation and metadata and ensure azimuth and elevation are used consistently. Properly document the instrument reference frame (and rotation to spacecraft coordinates) in the ICD. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: Presumably accepted 6)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-005-AW Dataset:All Location: ENERGY_STEPS.LBL, ENERGY_STEPS.TAB Title: Energy Table inconsistent with ICD and data files Description: The ICD (section 4.2) defines energy start step and energy stop step as the start and stop energies of each accumulation. This is repeated in the .LBL files associated with the actual data, where the start and energy indices are identical in all the files I inspected manually (notwithstanding the summing of adjacent bins). The energy table file in the CALIB directory, though, doesn't include different start and stop values for each energy bin, but rather a single value for each bin. it isn't clear whether or not this is the bin centre, lower band edge, upper band edge etc. In any case both the start and stop energies of an accumulation can't refer to the same energy - even if the ESA voltage is held contant the insturment has an energy passband. Proposed solution by reviewer: Either include both upper and lower band edges in the energy table or reformulate the data files to only refer to one energy and make it clear if this is bin centre, upper edge, or lower edge. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: Presumably accepted 7)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-006-AW Dataset: RO-C-RPCIES-2-ESC1-V1.0 RO-C-RPCIES-2-PRL-V1.0 Location: Data Product Title: Accumulation time missing from data Description: The accumulation time is missing from the data. Simply specifying the mode isn't enough. From the mode alone, for example, it isn't clear what to do with the flyback bins and why they are sometimes included for the electrons and not the ions (and vice versa). Indeed from the information in IESMODES.pdf I cannot reproduce table 1 in RCPIES_L3FLUX_Analysis.pdf, which explicitly states the accumulation time. Proposed solution by reviewer: Include the accumulation time in the data files, as well as the instrument mode. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: Presumably accepted 8)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-007-AW Dataset:All provided Location: Data Product Title: Time format in data files inconsistent with documentation and metadata Description: Time in the data files is formatted YYYY-DOYTHH:MN:SS.SSSZ, but in the documentation it and more importantly metadata it states it should be formatted YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MN:SS.SSSZ Proposed solution by reviewer: Update metadata and documentation to match data files or vice versa Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: Presumably accepted 9)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-008-AW Dataset: "RO-C-RPCIES-2-ESC1-V1.0 RO-C-RPCIES-2-PRL-V1.0" Location: "Data Product 10991-IES-EAICD-01" Title: Quality flag surprisingly uniform. Description: Every single measurement (az/el/energy/time) has a quality flag of 00000000, i.e. the data are all good. Despite this I can identify several odd features in spectrograms that don't necessarily look natural (see pdf sent with RIDS), although it is difficult to tell using IES data alone. Azimuth/elevation combinations blocked by the spacecraft are not in marked in the quality flag. Proposed solution by reviewer: Check processing has applied the quality flag correctly and update if appropriate; include blocked azimuths/elevations in quality flag. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: Accepted 10)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-009-AW Dataset: "RO-C-RPCIES-2-ESC1-V1.0 RO-C-RPCIES-2-PRL-V1.0" Location: 10991-IES-EAICD-01 Title: No data caveats available. Description: There are no general caveats (like which azimuth/elevation combinations are blocked by the spacecraft) or any information about common instrumental effects & spacecraft interference available. Proposed solution by reviewer: Add 'caveats and common instrumental effects' to the ICD or include a separate document. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: Accepted 11)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-010-AW Dataset: L3 Samples Location: Dataset Title: Include instrument mode in L3 files Description: The L3 files don't include the instrument mode. This means that on days where more than one instrument mode with the same delta T is used it will be even more difficult than for the L2 data for users to construct usable data arrays from the files. Furthermore, if the L2 and L3 file structures were the same, users wouldn't have to write separate processing routines. Proposed solution by reviewer: Give L2 and L3 files the same structure, include mode, accumulation time and delta t in both cases to make user processing easier. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: Accepted 12)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-011-AW Dataset: RO-C-RPCIES-2-ESC1-V1.0 Location: 10991-IES-EAICD-01 Title: Out of date ICD Description: The ICD Provided with this dataset is Rev 1 Chg 0, the version with RO-C-RPCIES-2-PRL-V1.0 is Rev 4 chg 0. Proposed solution by reviewer: Please update and check other documentation is up to date. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: Not discussed 13)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-012-AW Dataset: L3 Samples Location: RCPIES_L3FLUX_Analysis.pdf Title: reference list missing Description: The bibliography is missing from this document. Proposed solution by reviewer: Please add full references Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: Not discussed 14)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-101-SPJ Dataset: RO-C-RPCIES-3-PRL-V1.0 Location: ies_l3flux_analysis.pdf Title: Update processing document to provide example Description: Difficult to follow the calibration process for a given L2 file to L3 including which files are required and where that information is stored (data columns, labels, documents, etc.) Proposed solution by reviewer: Please add a description of the calibration process following a single file from level 2 to level pointing out to the user which files are required and how the user could determine that list of files Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: Accepted 15)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-102-SPJ Dataset: RO-C-RPCIES-3-PRL-V1.0 Location: archive volume incomplete Title: archive volume incomplete Description: Please add missing archive volume files including but not limited to aareadme.txt, catalog files, index file, etc. Proposed solution by reviewer: Sample files provided for review - expand to a complete archive volume Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: This is known by PSA. The samples where provided to the reviewer for his convenience. The team will deliver the full dataset in a later stage. Accepted 16)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-103-SPJ Dataset: RO-C-RPCIES-3-PRL-V1.0 Location: data/ Title: errors in data labels Description: The data labels contain numerous errors Proposed solution by reviewer: "Labels contain two NOTE keywords in a single object with contradictory information about the label geometry data. The label geometry data have too many significant digits. The units of the FLUX columns are > 40 characters, use the incorrect notation for exponents ( ^ not **), contain spaces, and are not readily understandable. “(m^2 * s * sr * (eV/eV counts/particle))^-1“ Maybe “(eV*(cnt/particle)*s*sr*m**2)**-1” = 32 char or something similar. The “(eV/eV counts/particle)” is particularly confusing." Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: Will fix the errors 17)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-104-SPJ Dataset: RO-C-RPCIES-3-PRL-V1.0 Location: data/ Title: data file line terminators Description: missing was observed in data files Proposed solution by reviewer: Verify that the data files have the correct line termination and correct any problems that are found Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: can check & fix if needed 18)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-101-TB Dataset: NA Location: Sample L3 products Title: L3 sample Label files errors Description: "Extracted from: This is validation of level 3 samples for RPCIES delivered on 2016-01-15 to PDS. [ERROR] files: 'DATA/*.LBL' --> [DISCUSS] UNIT = ""(m^2 * s * sr * (eV/eV counts/particle))^-1"" is 43 characters which is larger than the 40 max. Need to find better. For starters, there should not be white spaces, and the carrot '^' signifying to the power of, should be '**'. --> MD5_CHECKSUM keyword will need to be updated due to fix needed in data file. --> FILE_RECORDS and ROWS need to be updated to reflect true size of data files. --> Column 2: FORMAT should equal ""I11"" from ""I16"" --> All FLUX columns, FORMATS of ""F16.4"" should be ""E16.4"" since data is in exponential format. Along with this change, the MISSING_CONSTANT should be changed from ""-1.0000"" to ""-1.000E+00"", to reflect what is shown in the data and the exponential format. --> Column 2 should have added a keyword: UNIT = 's', as is described in the DESCRIPTION. --> [DISCUSS] Several of these keywords seem much more precise than is possible to know. Please do not over exaggerate your precision. --> --> Known affected keywords: SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR, SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR, SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR, SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE, SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE, SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE --> There are two NOTE fields. There can only be one. --> The two NOTE fields contradict each other. --> The last 3 comments were already talked about and fixed in the level 2 data. Please fix it here too. [ERROR] files: 'DATA/*.TAB' --> Add carriage return before each line feed. This will make the file compliant and make the ROW_BYTES field correct. [ERROR] file: 'DOCUMENT/IES_L3Flux_Analysis.pdf' --> All PDF files should be in PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-1b format when included in the formal data set. --> Is this document (or something similar) going to be included in the formal data set(s)?" Proposed solution by reviewer: See description Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: Not discussed 19)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-RPCIES-102-TB Dataset: RO-C-RPCIES-2-PRL-V1.0 Location: - Title: - Description: "[ERROR] files: 'DOCUMENT/*/*.PDF' --> These files should follow PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-1b standards. Please replace with the ones found in ESC1 posted. [ERROR] file: 'DOCUMENT/IES_EAICD/10991-IES-EAICD-01.TXT' --> Should be renamed ""*.ASC"". As is fixed in ESC1." Proposed solution by reviewer: - Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: RID from SBN node. Not discussed in scientific review meeting 20)Reference ID (RID): ro-c-rpcies-101-RE Dataset: ro-c-rpcies-2-esc1-v1.0 Location: document/ies_eaicd/10991-ies-eaicd-01.pdf Title: RPCIES PDF Description: "pages7,11: show subdirectory EDITED, which was not in the reviewed volume - page7: ""RPCIESYYMMDD_nnn_VV.EXT"" should be RPCIESYYYYDDD_nnn_VV.EXT - page8: suggest adding ""67P"" to the list of potential TARGET_NAMEs. - page9: suggest adding CALIB/ to Table 2" Proposed solution by reviewer: see description Review board discussion outcome and Instrument Team response: RID from Engineering node at PDS. Not discussed in scientific review meeting