Listed below are the liens/RIDs that were found at the PDS/PSA February 2016 review of the Prelanding thru Escort 1 phases of the Rosetta mission. Even though this particular data set may have not participated in the review, it uses the same pipeline and so the liens likely apply here as well. Please take note that some issues may be resolved, while others are not. If any other issues are discovered please let the PDS-SBN know. It is expected that a fully lien resolved version will be produced during post mission ops and archived with an incremented data set version number. 1)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-101_SS ROSINA DATA PRL Data usability The large size the PRL ROSINA Data set required lengthy download time. IT issues - having to extract to temporary directories (required in my case the purchase of new NFTS external hard drive). This may make extracting data sets difficult. Could the data be supplied in smaller packets? Can the data be provided to the archive in smaller packets? Needs to be handled by archive 2)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-102_SS ROSINA Mass spectra FM (Lab instrument) Calibration data FM (the instrument in the lab - see below about FM/FS naming convention) have been calibrated. Examples of (some) of these data should be made available for completeness of the archive Provide Lab calibration files to Achieve accepted, will improve with a history section in the documentation 3)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-103_SS ROSINA Documentation FM/FS Documentation references to FM and FS instruments initially a source of confusion. The FS is the instrument on Rosetta. Maybe a statement to state this would help stop confusion – maybe I missed this in the documentation? A headline statement to avoid future confusion ? accepted 4)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-105_SS ROSINA Mass spectra Calibration files in CALIB directory The ROSINA documents discusses the operation of the GCU. The use of GCU calibrations is important for understanding the operation of the ROSINA nstrument on ROSETTA. The failure of the DFMS GCU is discussed in (SOFT_DFMS_L2_TO_L3.pdf) - Calibration data prior to 28/12/2014 should he pointed to in the Dataset. Update / add document in the CALIB directory Clarified, RIDS discarded 5)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-106_SS ROSINA DFMS_L3_CALINFO Clarification in CALINFO file It is unclear what the DFMS_CALINFO_TYPE is testing for "The type of calibration used. a value of 0 indicates" ? Proposed solution by reviewer: - accepted 6)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-107_SS ROSINA DATA L3 Data useability - Calibration checking SOFT_DFMS_L2_TO_L3.PDF and SOFT_RTOF_L2_TO_L3.PDF - discuss in detail the software that is used to convert from L2 to L3. However, the software is not to be made available. Although its stated that the software is not a deliverable this may limit the ability to check the calibration process observation / consern - will software be made available? accepted 7)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-101-HF RO-C-ROSINA-3-PRL-V1.0 data/dfms Missing data? There were L2 products for CEM detector, but no L3 products. Is that because no additional calibration was required after L2, or because the L3 products aren't ready yet? If appropriate, L3 products for CEM should be added to the data set. Level 3 will come later 8)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-102-HF All eaicd_ro_v1_8.pdf Typos in file names On page 29, the file names given in the table as examples for L3 products appear to be formatted for L2. Edit the document not discussed 9)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-103-HF All COPS definition The descriptions of other sensors include definition of their acronyms, but this is missiong for COPS Edit the document not discussed 10)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-104-HF All Rosetta user's manual or other documentation Reference frame definition I had trouble finding a definition of the Cheops frame. It would be helpful to have this defined in the ROSINA user's manual or other document. I may have missed it, but if not, edit the document Will reference the shape model dataset 11)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-105-HF All eaicd_ro_v1_8.pdf L2 description On page 28, it says that L2 data are "corrected (edited) telemetry," but doesn't describe the corrections that have been applied. Is this given elsewhere? Edit the document Reword to make it clear that this is just deleting some bad data (lost frames) 12)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-106-HF RO-C-ROSINA-3-PRL-V1.0 label/dfms_l3_calinfo.fmt calinfo type In the description for object DFMS-CALINFO_TYPE, it seems to be a hanging sentence. i.e., "a value of 0 indicates ..." - what? If information is missing from this description, it should be added. Will correct 13)RO-AR-RID-ROSINA-107-HF All data Number of files per directory When clicking on some data directories (e.g., cops/bg and cops/ng), my browser hung up and took too long to display the data, presumably because there were large numbers of files there. Consider splitting data into smaller subdirectories or somehow advise users that these data sets are very large. Needs to be handled by archive 14)ro-c-rosina-101-RE ro-c-rosina-2-prl-v1.0 document/eaicd_ro_v1_8.pdf ROSINA PDF "p.27: The document names match the file names except for ""AF5_ROSINA_MODE_CHANGES"", whose file name is af5_ro_mode_changes.pdf - p.28: Add RO-C-ROSINA-2-PRL-V1.0 to the list data set IDs - p.31: Ignorable? This review has no DFMS/FA files in the volume - p.35: Ignorable? Sec DFMS_FA_DATA.FMT was not provided in the review volume - p.55: RTOF_DATA.FMT's BYTES = 3 should be 6, which affects later START_BYTEs" see description Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: - 15)ro-c-rosina-102-RE ro-c-rosina-2-prl-v1.0 index/index.lbl Consider using existing keyword "This is an unknown keyword REVISION_ID = ""0000""" use LABEL_VERSION_ID instead Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: - 16)RO-C-ROSINA-101-EXTRA ro-c-rosina-3-prl-v1.0 VOLDESC.CAT Wrong Volume ID The VOLUME_ID is already in use by the level 2 data set Suggest having all level 3 data sets have the ID "ROROS_2XXX" where "XXX" is the same as the level 2 data set. For this data set, the VOLUME_ID would equal "ROROS_2008". Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: - 17)RO-C-ROSINA-102-EXTRA ro-c-rosina-3-prl-v1.0 Label/*.FTM Format field Suggest adding FORMAT field to all data columns where appropriate Proposed solution by reviewer: - Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: -