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Abstract: This data set contains a collection of shape models and their associated reference frame for the Rosetta target 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 1 (1969 R1). These were produced by Rosetta mission teams, based on OSIRIS and NAVCAM image data obtained at the comet. This is version 2.0 of this data collection. Since the last version, the SPG_LAM_PSI SHAP5, SPG_DLR SHAP4S, and SPC_ESA MTP019 shape models have been added to this collection.
RO-C-MULTI-5-67P-SHAPE-V2.0 | Browse (4.5 GB) | Download (975.0 MB) |
PDS citation information for this data set: "[SPECIAL NOTE: Each individual shape model data product and reference frame document contains its own unique citation. When citing these, please use the CITATION_DESC found in the PDS label file associated with it. A complete list of all CITATION_DESC is found in the INDEX/CITATIONS.TAB table.]"
DOI: 10.26007/34vg-8s07
Older versions of this data set:
RO-C-MULTI-5-67P-SHAPE-V1.0 | Browse (2.4 GB) | Download (518.7 MB) |
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