Lucy Terminal Tracking Camera (TTCam) Dinkinesh Raw Collection Data Set Overview =============================================================================== This collection consists of raw image products acquired by the TTCam instrument during the Lucy Mission Dinkinesh Encounter. The purpose of the Dinkinesh encounter was primarily as an in-flight test of an autonomous range-finding and tracking system that is a critical component of Lucy’s operations. Data acquisition is described in: Levison, H.F., Marchi, S., Noll, K.S. et al. A contact binary satellite of the asteroid (152830) Dinkinesh. Nature 629, 1015–1020 (2024). doi:10.1038/s41586-024-07378-0. Note that the first five TTCam1 images and all five TTCam2 images were part of a standard functional test and star calibration activity for the cameras, prior to the actual flyby observations of Dinkinesh. Data Products =============================================================================== Products contained within this collection are .FITS images described in the TTCam SIS document. Raw images are not radiometrically calibrated. Image data units are in Digital Number (DN). Last Revision 2024-08-20