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Abstract: This collection consists of calibration products used in the calibration of MVIC data products.
urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mvic:calibration::1.0 [Overview] | Liens | MD5 Checksums | Browse (521.7 MB) | Download (7.3 MB) |
PDS citation information for this PDS4 collection: "Reuter, D., A. Simon, A. Lunsford, H. Kaplan, W. Grundy, C. Howett, M. Montanaro, and G. Weigle, Lucy MVIC Calibration Collection, urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mvic:calibration::1.0, D. Kaufmann, M. K. Crombie, C. Gobat, and J. Wm. Parker (eds.), NASA Planetary Data System, 2024."
DOI: 10.26007/2nz3-k745
This PDS4 collection is a part of the following PDS4 bundle:
urn:nasa:pds:lucy.mvic | Lucy L'Ralph MVIC Bundle | Browse |
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