LICIACube Leia and Luke Raw and Calibrated Data and Documentation Liens ======================================================================= Documentation ============= file: lcc_leia_luke_sis.pdf --> Not all pipeline keywords listed, because duplicates between raw and calibrated were not repeated. Make sure to explain this fact in documentation. --> If possible, have consistent spelling for keywords across the DART mission. --> SIS file version doesn't match version in XML label. --> Error message for missing section reference in first paragraph of --> "It integrates a reconfigurable Flash-based FPGA, its frame rate is equal to 7 fps saving in RAM and 0.5 fps saving in the payload mass memory (flash memory) at 12 bit resolution." → "12-bit" --> A comma should follow both e.g. and i.e. --> Functions, module names and table headers use an Italic style to distinguish them. --> P8, 4.1.1: Description of windowing is missing in this section --> P9, last paragraph: The description of setting bit 1 is not clear to me. What does it mean? --> P10, first full paragraph is hard to understand --> P12, 4.2.1: LUKE data products also listed here, and should not be --> P15, Fig. 5: flatfield is missing in the diagram, based on the calibration document --> P8, 4.1.1: 2 *bytes*; …reducing the picture dimension by a factor of *2* (or reducing the picture *area* by a factor of 4) --> P9,, 2nd paragraph: what is ”optical inch”? --> P16, word docx reference error message --> P16, last line in the first paragraph, remove *in the* --> This file using the PDF/A-3A standards. To be in the PDS archive, it must abide by the PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-1b standards. Please correct. file: asi_liciacube_leialuke_calibration_pipeline_description.pdf --> Not all pipeline keywords listed, because duplicates between raw and calibrated were not repeated. Make sure to explain this fact in documentation. --> If possible, have consistent spelling for keywords across the DART mission. --> Spell out the initialism "w.r.t." for ease of translation. --> f_rad() calculation steps are described in natural language translated from Python code that is very hard to follow. Instead, include relevant, well-commented/documented code snippets as a document product. Be sure to note that PDS makes no guarantee that code can run. --> 4.3.6 stats the LEIA has no saturated pixels, whereas 4.3.4 states that LUKE does not. LUKE does have saturated pixels, so fix 4.3.4 to match. --> Figure 1 looks unusual without arrows. --> P6, first full paragraph: It says “SIS takes precedence in case of conflict”. But in SIS --> P5, it says the calibration pipeline document takes precedence --> P6, 3.3.2, last sentence: I can’t understand this sentence --> P11, first half page: the description about PchiInterpolator is very detailed and I couldn’t understand. Needs to be rephrased, or just remove this technical detail? --> P11 second half: Impossible to follow this section. I don’t understand what these scaling factors are and how they are derived --> P7, table 1: “evaluation” missing “n” --> P11, paragraph starting “the values coming from …”: “furtherly” should be “further” --> The listed, "asi_liciacube_leialuke_calibration_pipeline_description_v1," for this document product is not correct. Please correct it to match the PDF filename. --> This PDF file claims to follow the PDF/A-3A standards, but fails verification. But that aside, to be in the PDS archive, it must abide by the PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-1b standards. Please correct. --> The document imbedded title (what shows up on the Adobe header bar) should be updated, as it currently states "[Notes: Document owner is to please ascertain in advance whether ITAR statement is required ...]". Please fix. --> The Graphical depiction in 4.1 (figure 1) may be missing some imagines because it does not make much sense. --> I found at least 37 images that were not calibrated. Perhaps I missed this, but I do not see where in the documentation it states what should not be calibrated. file: luke_raw_overview.txt --> Typo: "The pixels contains red, green and blue values…" → "contain" --> "Additional information includes: integration time…" remove ":" file: luke_calibrated_overview.txt --> "pixel values using a standard algorithm for the RGB of the LUKE detector ." remove the space after "detector". --> "In addition the FITS header contains UTC data and start time, exposure" → "In addition, " file: TCM parameters --> Why not summarize them in a single file? XML Labels ========== --> SPICE kernels listed in labels do not match the header mk. --> Correct kernels must be delivered to NAIF. --> Image display orientation for raw images must match how the data were stored when they came down from spacecraft. Calibrated images should match correct orientation on the sky. file: */collection*.xml --> Consider making the collection.xml internal reference to the overview document a LIDVID reference instead of LID reference. This is due to newer versions of an overview document being pointed to by an older version of the collection when the newer version overview document may not correctly apply to it. --> The s in collection.xml file describe a LICIACube mission, but cites the DART mission. Should there be an association in the verbiage between DART and LICIACube? --> typo in for leia_calibrated: "RedirectionTest" to "Redirection Test" --> update from 2022 to 2023 in leia_raw --> The data collections do not have unique s, probably because they do not mention the instrument. Please make the <title> more concise and unique within the bundle by including the instrument name/abbreviation. --> Sanity check on the Primary_Result_Summary. All luke/leia data collections list the following: Dynamical Properties, Physical Properties, Flux Measurements. --> For the target Didymos, the LID should be corrected to: "urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803_didymos". Please note the change of a period to an underscore in "65803.didymos" --> --> Note that the document collection should remove the this target. file: 'luke_raw/collection_luke_raw_.*' --> Delete these xml and csv files which are duplicates of the non-underscore files. files: '*/collection*.csv' --> The luke and leia data collections need to have all records end in carriage return line feed (/r/n), not just line feed (/n). Please fix. --> The LIDVIDs in the calibrated collections for this inventory file do not match those found in the data files. They are missing "_01" at the end of the LID, but this should be confirmed. --> Some LIDs are missing from the data collection inventory files or LIDVIDs found therein are not found in the collections. Please regenerate these files. file: 'bundle_liciacube_spacecraft.xml' --> Please come up with a better more concise <title>. The <title> might make a good <description> though; you may want to add it to the <description>. --> References readme.txt file, but it is not present. Please provide or remove the reference. --> There is no need to include in this file the target Didymos. But if it must be here, the LID should be corrected to: "urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803_didymos". Please note the change of a period to an underscore in "65803.didymos" --> The data_tnf collection reference needs to be added. --> All collections listed should use <lidvid_reference> instead of <lid_reference>. --> Need to include data_tnf as a Bundle_Member_Entry. file: 'leia_calibrated/calibration/liciacube_leia_cal_col_001.xml' --> The Special_Constants object should be found within the Array_3D, not outside of it. file: 'luke_calibrated/calibration/liciacube_luke_cal_gen_001.xml' --> The values 'Flat Red', 'Flat Green', 'Flat Blue' are not valid local_identifier_references. If you replace the whitespace with an underscore that should fix the issue. --> For human readability, please properly tab out each xml section. And put "</disp:Display_Settings><disp:Display_Settings>" on separate lines. Note that following files are present and should probably be deleted as they are not referenced: --> leia_calibrated/calibration/liciacube_leia_cal_col_001.xml.old --> leia_calibrated/calibration/liciacube_leia_cal_gen_001.xml.old --> luke_calibrated/calibration/liciacube_luke_cal_col_001.xml.old --> luke_calibrated/calibration/liciacube_luke_cal_gen_001.xml.old Data ==== --> Provide explanation in documentation for why some images are thrown away during calibration process. --> From what I see, the geometry does not match perfectly for LEIA and LUKE and the pointing changes don't match to the maneuvers recorded in the documents "Impulsive maneuver reconstructed from telemetry". Documentation should explain why maneuver features aren't captured. --> Include a reference to the calibration paper so that uncertainties in calibrated data are explained. --> Some images have grid features with 0.0 values in between. Documentation should explain why. --> Bad LUKE calibrated images should be removed or flagged or explained in documentation. --> Some approach phase LUKE raw images cannot be opened with PD4_Viewer. --> P10, 4.3.3 says flatfield is to correct for vignetting; flatfield data have values decreasing from center outward; but the formula in 4.3.3 is to multiply the flat array. Doesn’t seem to be right. --> LUKE bad pixel map shows bad pixels, but calibration document P6, 3.3.1 states “no bad pixels have been flagged” --> No information found in SIS, calibration document, or fits headers concerning the radiometric calibration parameters in the *_cal_col_001.fits files. What are they? How are they derived? How to use them? files: '{luke,leia}_*/*/*.xml' --> The <dart:correct_image_time> value must end in a "Z" to be valid. EN Review ========= *.xml - These LIDs are unknown: <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:liciacube.leia</...> <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:liciacube.luke</...> Please submit the context products for those LIDs with EN when available. - Every data label has a subtle error with dart:correct_image_time, e.g. <dart:correct_image_time>2022-09-16T05:37:49.000</...> should be <dart:correct_image_time>2022-09-16T05:37:49.000Z</...> because the DART ldd defines that element's type to be ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC, which requires the trailing 'Z'. - Every data label has two consecutive dart:liciacube_calibration_file, e.g. <dart:liciacube_calibration_file>liciacube_leia_cal_col_001.fits</...> <dart:liciacube_calibration_file>liciacube_leia_cal_gen_001.fits</...> However, the DART ldd says that element has minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" meaning that that element can occur 0 or 1 times, not 2. - pds4_viewer (an app to visualize PDS4 data) vertically orients the opposite of the .png file and the FITS viewer. If that is a problem, change <disp:vertical_display_direction>Top to Bottom</...> to <disp:vertical_display_direction>Bottom to Top</...> - Every data label's 2 lid_references to calibration files match no LIDs, i.e. urn:nasa:pds:dart:leia_calibrated:liciacube_leia_cal_gen_001 urn:nasa:pds:dart:leia_calibrated:liciacube_leia_cal_col_001 don't match the LIDs of the labels in calibration/, which are urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated:liciacube_leia_cal_gen_001 urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated:liciacube_leia_cal_col_001 - Suggestion: in every data label, add a lid_reference to the target, i.e. <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803_didymos</lid_reference> <reference_type>data_to_target</reference_type> bundle_liciacube_spacecraft.xml - If this file is under review, <File_Area_Text> <File> <file_name>readme.txt</file_name> <comment>Introduction to the bundle</comment> </File> but has no readme.txt - This LID is slightly off <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803.didymos</...> should be (_ not .) <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803_didymos</...> calibration/liciacube_leia_cal_col_001.xml - element Special_Constants should be within Array_3D, not outside, i.e. change </Axis_Array> </Array_3D> <Special_Constants> <not_applicable_constant>1E32</not_applicable_constant> </Special_Constants> to </Axis_Array> <Special_Constants> <not_applicable_constant>1E32</not_applicable_constant> </Special_Constants> </Array_3D> collection_leia_calibrated.csv - Lines should end in CRLF but don't - The values (field 2, after the comma) don't match the labels, e.g. this file has P,urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated:liciacube_leia_l2_1663174049_00006::1.0 which no label has, but liciacube_leia_l2_1663174049_00006_01.xml has LID urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated:liciacube_leia_l2_1663174049_00006_01 i.e. the trailing _01 is missing. collection_leia_calibrated.xml - This LID is slightly off <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803.didymos</...> should be (_ not .) <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803_didymos</...> - This lid_reference is probably wrong: urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:document:lcc_leia_luke_sis_v2 while liciacube/document/lcc_leia_luke_sis.xml has LID urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:document:lcc_leia_luke_sis - The LID in this lid_reference is unknown: <Internal_Reference> <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated:collection_leia_calibrated</...> <reference_type>collection_to_document</...> <comment>Text file which gives an overview of the leia calibrated Data Collection.</...> </Internal_Reference> while leia_calibrated_overview.xml has LID urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:leia_calibrated:leia_calibrated_overview - requires all bundles have a doi. For SBN, perhaps collections should. These can be obtained from