LICIACube RS TRK-234 Liens ========================== Documentation ============= file: lcc_rs_sis.pdf --> Page 1 – appears to have been produced in landscape orientation but some of the graphics and text is mis-aligned, confirm this was the intent? --> Page 5 – error in table of contents --> Page 6 – typo first paragraph section 2, remove DRACO --> Page 7 – missing telecom information. Please provide turnaround ratio --> Page 9 – SFH data collection is missing from the bundle --> Title "Radio Science Data Data Product Software Interface Specification" has the word data twice in a row. --> 4.1 par 1, convert -> converting --> 4.1 p3, The LICIACube NAIF Ck kernel provide -> provides --> "Error! Bookmark not defined." found in the table of contents on the 7.3 line. --> The footer of this document says "Version 4" yet the Revision Log on page 3 only goes thru version 0.1. --> pag 7, section 4.1, first sentence has a new line inserted between "Network" and "(DSN)" --> Is the LID "urn:nasa:pds:dart.spice:spice_kernels" found on page 8 Table 2 real? --> Is the Data Processing Levels table (Table 4 on pg 16) correct? It says that PDS4 "Calibrated Data" is the same as PDS3 Resampled Level 4, with a description of irreversibly transformed data. --> The document imbedded title should be updated, as it currently states "[Notes: Document owner is to please ascertain in advance whether ITAR statement is required ...]". Please fix. --> I found at least 37 images that were not calibrated. Perhaps I missed this, but I do not see where in the documentation it states what should not be calibrated. XML Labels ========== collection_document.xml --> Generated filesize '500' does not match supplied filesize '137' in the product label for collection_document.csv. --> Consider making the collection.xml internal reference to the overview document a LIDVID reference instead of LID reference. This is due to newer versions of an overview document being pointed to by an older version of the collection when the newer version overview document may not correctly apply to it. --> The s in collection.xml file describe a LICIACube mission, but cites the DART mission. Should there be an association in the verbiage between DART and LICIACube? --> typo in for leia_calibrated: "RedirectionTest" to "Redirection Test" --> update from 2022 to 2023 in leia_raw --> The data collections do not have unique s, probably because they do not mention the instrument. Please make the <title> more concise and unique within the bundle by including the instrument name/abbreviation. --> Sanity check on the Primary_Result_Summary. All luke/leia data collections list the following: Dynamical Properties, Physical Properties, Flux Measurements. --> For the target Didymos, the LID should be corrected to: "urn:nasa:pds:context:target:asteroid.65803_didymos". Please note the change of a period to an underscore in "65803.didymos" --> --> Note that the document collection should remove the this target. TNF Collection LID mismatch. --> The collection part of the data_tnf collection LID is different than what is found in all of the data products: "data_tnf" vs "tnf". --> --> If going to use data_tnf, than fix the (1) collection_data_tnf.csv file and (2) all other products except the overview and collection product. --> --> If going to use tnf, please update the (1) bundle_liciacube_spacecraft.xml file, collection_data_tnf.xml, and overview_data_tnf.xml. --> Please note that the data_tnf collections uses the information model whereas all other collections and bundle products use the information model. Data ==== --> Missing data - There is no Earth ionosphere calibration data provided. This is typically included in a radio science archive. DSN must have produced this for the LICIACube navigation team? Highly recommended to include. If not avaible, a statement must be made in the SIS that this data was not collected for LICIACube. Maneuver data --> XML maneuver files are in the documents collection. The documentation for using them is minimal which will make them challenging to use but not impossible. An investigator would probably know what to do. I think it would be better if these were actually in their own collection as data files, since they are. However, its fine they’re documents, but the SIS should highlight that more clearly because I got confused at first where to find them. SFH --> The header contains <stage>Final</stage>, which is not shown in the SIS example directory: 'data_tnf/' --> Please move all the data products into a subdirectory. PDS can do this. EN Review ========= urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:data_tnf::1.0 *.xml - This LID is unknown: <lid_reference>urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:liciacube.hga</...> Please submit the context product for that LID with EN when available. - The PDS4 Data Provider's Handbook suggests: create subdirectories and divide the files into them, perhaps by time. - Converge on a base LID. The LID for collection_data_tnf.xml: urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:data_tnf but the LIDs for the data files don't match, e.g. urn:nasa:pds:liciacube:tnf:... collection_data_tnf.xml - requires all bundles have a doi. For SBN, perhaps collections should. These can be obtained from lcc_hga_tnf_*.xml - Many fields have special constants, e.g. the description for transmit_num: "Values between 0 and 3 are allowed; 0 indicates unknown." Suggestion: add element Special_Constant, then the applicable child element, e.g. unknown_constant, invalid_constant, ... That would aid automated processing.