DART Radio Science Liens ======================== Data ==== file: overview_data_trk223.txt --> there is a typo “three character string: "dop" indicates it is doppler and rangeg data,” (should be “range” instead of “rangeg”). Documentation ============= file: jhuapl_dart_rs_sis_v01.pdf --> Page 5 Section 2: Replace DRACO references with Radio Science --> Page 5 Section 3: Replace DRACO references with Radio Science --> Page 5-6, Section 4.1: Information on the radio science is provided, including details about the HGA. a. I recommend adding a link to the NAIF bundle where the gimbaled C-Kernels can be accessed, similar to the links provided to the DSN data product SISes later on in the file. Any radio science analysis would need to know the orientation of the spacecraft and position of the HGA to calibrate the phase center to center-of-mass offset by the gimbal. b. No information is given about the telecom system. What radio does DART use? What are the nominal frequencies and turnaround ratios? This could be a good place to add that. Please include the nominal uplink/downlink frequencies, the turnaround ratio (880/740), transponder delay, and antenna phase center locations. --> The text in 4.1 claims to contain ionosphere, troposphere, and weather (trk-2-24) files. The Data Product Overview (4.2) claims ionosphere and troposphere, but not weather. Aside from those being inconsistent with each other, only ionosphere files are present in the data sets. The exclusion of troposphere or weather from the tables in section 4.3.1 suggests that the archive only intends to include ionosphere. However, it is recommended to reference weather and troposphere, which can be done easily. The user can be pointed to the radio science multi-mission archive maintained by the Radio Science Sub-Node and hosted by Geosciences Node (https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/radiosciencedocs/urn-nasa-pds-jpl_dsn_mmm/). --> Please reference the LIDs for TRK-2-34 and TRK-2-23 documents in the PDS archive. (https://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/radiosciencedocs/urn-nasa-pds-radiosci_documentation/ ) --> Please reference documentation for the PDS4 transform tool used to extract binary data. Minor editorial corrections: --> typo in title “ProductSoftware”. --> Section 4.1, paragraph 1. "The files are all formatted in standard ways, documented in a series of Software Interrface Specifications (SIS) noted in Table 1." -> "The files are all formatted in standard ways and documented in a series of Software Interrface Specifications (SIS) noted in Table 1." --> Section 4.1, paragraph 1. "For the final PDS archive, DSN data files are retrieved from the SOC data repository and prepared for delivery by to the Planetary Data System who convert them into PDS 4 format." -> "For the final PDS archive, DSN data files are retrieved from the SOC data repository and prepared for delivery to the Planetary Data System who convert them into PDS 4 format." --> Section 4.1, paragraph 3. "The DART HGA is gimballed. It is the primary antenna of DART that provides most of the RS data collected during in last 30 days of the mission." -> "The DART HGA is gimballed. It is the primary antenna of DART that provides most of the RS data collected during the last 30 days of the mission." --> Section 5.2. "trl234 data are stored in binary format as one or more binary tables." -> "trk234 data are stored in binary format as one or more binary tables." Collection Labels ================= file: 'document_rs/collection_document_rs.xml' --> line 11: The collection LID has the wrong bundle listed. Please change "dart_rs" to "dart". The dart_rs bundle does not exist and I think plans for it have been dropped. --> line 13: The collection