Below are the liens for the following NH LORRI data sets: NH-J-LORRI-2-JUPITER-V2.0 NH-J-LORRI-3-JUPITER-V2.0 NH-X-LORRI-2-LAUNCH-V2.0 NH-X-LORRI-2-PLUTOCRUISE-V1.0\ NH-X-LORRI-3-LAUNCH-V2.0 NH-X-LORRI-3-PLUTOCRUISE-V1.0 o Jian Yang has a few examples of V2.0 files that seem to contain artifacts that were not in the previous version, and also V1.0 artifacts that seem to have spontaneously resolved. This needs to be investigated. (This was in the launch data set; he actually reviewed all the images, so his list is complete.) See blow: ======================== Comparing the data contents: * One more datafile added to v2.0: 20060904_001968/ (not in the calibrated set!) * All other images in raw set are exactly the same. * 23 different images in level-3 dataset:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Of which 7 images with relative difference >1e-7: COLO_LORRI-010/COLO_LORRI-018 COLO_LORRI-010/COLO_LORRI-018 COLO_LORRI-010/COLO_LORRI-018 COLO_LORRI-029/COLO_LORRI-030 COLO_LORRI-029/COLO_LORRI-030 COLO_LORRI-029/COLO_LORRI-030 COLO_LORRI-023a Relevant sequence: COLO_LORRI-010/COLO_LORRI-018, 2006-08-31T00:00:00, 31 Aug 2006: Radiometric/PSF images (Messier 7) MVIC co-alignment images COLO_LORRI-029/COLO_LORRI-030, 2006-09-10T00:00:00, 10,19 Sep 2006: Uranus/Neptune COLO_LORRI-023a , 2006-09-21T00:00:00, 21, 24 Sep 2006: Pluto ======================== o The same UNIT issues found in the MVIC and LEISA data recur here and need addressing. In particular the high-level documentation needs to make the actual calibration performed clear. o The controversy noted regarding units in the LORRI responsivity plot is not resolved. It needs to be noted prominently, and when a resolution is reach that needs to be incorporated into the archive documentation. In the meantime, SBN (Raugh) will attempt to add an annotation to the PDF file with the controversial plot, and Brian will provide text for that and any additional documentation needed on this point. --> In the published version (not the submitted version that is archived) of the LORRI SSR Cheng et al. 2005 paper, the Figure 9 y-axis has units of W m-2 sr-1 in the denominator. The caption cites a correction form the Morgan LORRI paper. --> In the archived submitted version of the LORRI SSR Cheng et al. paper, figure 9 is identical to the Morgan LORRI paper figure 5 (and has units of W cm-2 sr-1) --> Figure 9.3 in the ICD matches the published version of the graph --> The lorri_responsivity_plot.png file in the archive matches the published version of the Cheng et al. figure 9. --> --> The preprint Cheng paper and this .png are inconsistent with one another --> Despite citing an error in the Morgan et al. paper, later work seems to indicate that the original units of W cm-2 sr-1 were correct after all. --> --> This is based on personal communication with Frank Morgan, as well as inconsistencies discovered between the Cheng numbers and LORRI operational spreadsheets (personal comm. Brett Denevi) --> This is clearly an issue - but I'm uncertain as to the solution --> If the Cheng units are correct: It needs to be noted somewhere that there was an important change to figure 9 between the submitted and final versions. --> --> If the Morgan units are correct: It should be noted somewhere that in the final version of the Cheng paper the units are not correct. Additionally, the file lorri_responsivity_plot.png should be made to match the Morgan numbers. --> --> If the correct version of the graph is unknown, this is may be a project issue to solve? --> --> Does the absolute calibration step discussed in the documentation (e.g., the discussion of specific targets and the translation from DN to absolute units in the ICD) yield correct numbers? o The 90 degree rotation problem noted in a previous version was with the North Pole Clock Angle, and this has been corrected. This affects the documentation of the reported problem, which will require amending. file: '*launch*/catalog/' --> Should the list of updates to V2.0 be listed with bullet points in the ABSTRACT_DESC? Would prefer in a paragraph format if included. Please note that the jupiter fly byes do not contain these. --> typo: text "NEWHORIZONS:APPROX_TARGET_SAMP" should be "NEWHORIZONS:APPROX_TARGET_SAMPLE" files: 'nh-x-lorri-2-launch-v2.0/data/20060424_000819/lor_0008194193_0x633_eng_1.*' --> These files do not exist in the RDR data set. Please double check that this should be the case. files: 'data/*/*.lbl' --> There are no unit labels in either the level 2 or level 3 files --> --> Both should be noted as "DN" --> PRODUCT_TYPE = "EDR" for both --> --> For level 3 files, this should be "RDR" --> Typo in level 3 files --> --> L2_SWNAM ... "/*evel 2" should be "/*level 2" --> --> L2_SWVER ... "/*oftware version" should be "/*software version" files: 'document/soc_inst_icd*.pdf' --> Please add to the ICD a description of the derivation of the various conversion factors used to convert the calibrated absolute DNs to radiance for specific bodies or classes of bodies. Last updated: 2015-01-08, SBN:T.Barnes