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EPOXI HRI-VIS EPOCh Mars Calibrated Images v2.0


Abstract: This data set contains calibrated narrow band filter images (350-950 nm) images of Mars acquired by the Deep Impact High Resolution Visible CCD (HRIV) for the EPOCh project during the second cruise phase of the EPOXI mission. One set of observations was acquired on 20-21 November 2009 to characterize Mars as an analog for extrasolar planets. The observing period lasted approximately 24 hours. HRIV images were acquired once per hour with the filters centered on 350, 750 and 950 nm, whereas the 450-, 550-, 650-, and 850-nm data were taken every 15 minutes. Version 2.0 includes the application of a horizontal destriping process and revised electronic crosstalk calibration files.

DIF-M-HRIV-3/4-EPOXI-MARS-V2.0 Intro Doc Browse Download (1.1 GB)

Citation to use when referencing this data set: "McLaughlin, S.A., B. Carcich, D. Deming, T. Livengood, T. Hewagama, K.P. Klaasen, and D.D. Wellnitz, EPOXI MARS OBS - HRIV CALIBRATED IMAGES V2.0, DIF-M-HRIV-3/4-EPOXI-MARS-V2.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2012."

Older versions of this data set:

DIF-M-HRIV-3/4-EPOXI-MARS-V1.0 OFFLINE Download (1.0 GB)

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